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Thursday 28 March 2013

A Simple Change In Mindset Will Burn More Fat Fast

Most people that I talk to about health and fitness talk about “getting in shape”.   But I don’t think they realize that their words are actually counterproductive to their aspirations of burning fat.  You hear a lot of people lamenting about being out of shape and saying, “I need to get in shape and burn fat”, or, “I want to get in shape and burn fat.”  What you don’t hear them saying is, “I want to get in shape, burn fat, and stay that way.”
They may want to stay in shape, but their mindset is focused on getting in shape.  This makes you more susceptible to the fad diets and latest exercise gimmick on the market.  You’re so focused on getting in shape that you’ll try almost anything regardless of how silly or difficult to follow it might seem, because you’re entirely focused on the short term goal.
A simple change in the “quick fix” mindset to one of long term success will steer you down the correct path.  You’ll be less enticed by the late night TV hype, and more focused on doing the right things most of the time.  Wouldn’t you agree that life long health and fitness is what’s most important? 
Of course creating an environment in your body that allows you to burn fat fast is essential to this goal.  A person who is in shape in their 50s and 60s is a lot more impressive to me than someone who is lean and fit in their 20s and 30s. That’s because the dedication to maintaining the proper exercise plan and a sensible nutrition strategy for the rest of your life is rare to find.  It’s a rare mindset.
If you really want to transform your physique and your health for good, you must make it a lifestyle, a habit.  And that starts in your mind.  That’s what the people who are lean for life do.  In fact, if I think about all of the people I personally know that are in great shape and have been for a while, I start to understand that they have their minds on staying in shape. 
They think about it day and night, not obsessively, but with each thing they do…they subconsciously think, “Is this going to positively or negatively impact my long term health and fitness?”. "Am I doing everything I reasonable can to burn fat and live a healthy lifestyle?".
The good news is that research shows you can develop simple habits like those involved in eating and exercising properly in under a month…sometimes even sooner.  And with the type of exercise and diet tips I recommend to my Fat Burning Furnace students, you don’t need o give up your life’s pursuits so that you are working out every day,  nor do you need to follow a wacky diet you can’t reasonably make a lifestyle out of.
And after a few months of practicing these methods, I’ve found that your body will start telling you it wants to keep exercising and eating right…you just won’t feel right with out it.  Why?  Because your body naturally wants to be healthy and lean.
So I urge you to forgo the “get in shape” mindset, and instead embrace the idea of staying in shape and creating that fat burning furnace that is so essential to life long health and fitness. 
Imagine yourself in the body of your dreams, today, tomorrow, and 5, 10, 20 or more years from now.  What will you be doing then, in your lean, strong, and healthy body?  Chances are, you won’t be trying to “get in shape”.  Instead, you'll be burning fat 24/7, and enjoying life as you should...full of vitality and passion.

Claim your free copy of Rob Poulos's "7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss & Fitness" at his website:

Rest, Sleep, And Burn More Fat Fast

In order to reap the benefits from the intense exercise I recommend to my Fat Burning Furnace students, you must get ad
equate rest.  I can’t stress this fact enough.  In fact, rest is just as important, if not more important that the actual exercise.

During the high intensity resistance exercise that my students perform, the muscles experience tiny injuries or tears.  The body’s response is to adapt and repair, getting stronger and larger muscles, which of course leads to burning more fat and a leaner body.

But this growth and repair process won’t take place if the body is not allowed the time to do its job.  Too often, people rush back into the gym, as many have been inundated with the “more is better” axiom when it comes to exercise.  But if we don’t get out of the body’s way and let it do its magic, we will experience poor results.  We won't burn fat like we want to, and we will just end up demotivated or possibly give up our efforts altogether.

If you don’t get enough rest or sleep, you’ll have a very difficult time building the fat-burning muscle that will transform your body.  And you’ll also have a tough time burning fat off too!  That’s why we can’t work out too long or too often when using a sufficient intensity level.  When giving the body an intense stimulus, such as proper weight training, you can’t keep hammering it into the ground.

If you did this, you’d quickly over train your muscles and negate your body’s ability to recover from exercise.   Your immune system could become so worn down in fact, that you might even get sick…this happened to me a few times in the past when I wasn’t paying attention to getting adequate rest and sleep.

And this repair and recover process doesn’t happen overnight, it usually takes 2 days or more, So make sure to keep between 1-3 days of rest between your properly conducted resistance training workouts, or you will be short-circuiting your chances of success to burn fat and build lean, strong, muscle.

Now that we know how important rest is to burning fat and building muscle, we also must understand the most important component of rest…otherwise know as sleep.  Sleep is the ultimate recovery tool, and not only for recovery from exercise.  It’s a recovery tool from any stress you take in throughout the day.

Whether it’s from family pressures, work issues, or finances, etc., increased stress can be dissolved by adequate sleep.  And don’t think you can burn fat maximally when you’re over-stressed by other things in your life.  A high stress level can shut down the effectiveness of your ability to burn fat, among other things.

So make sure to get adequate sleep.  What’s ideal?  I would recommend no less than seven or more than nine hours.  In fact, seven and half hours per night might be the perfect amount!

Research has shown that we sleep in cycles of 90 minutes or so.  It has been suggested that if we wake up too far before or after one of these 90 minute cycles, you will probably feel groggy for a good part of the day. So try the 5 90 minutes sleep cycles, or 7 and a half hours…you’ll most likely wake up feeling well-rested and energized, and your fat burning furnace will show it’s appreciation, allowing you to burn more fat faster.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

5 Helpful Tips for Constipation Treatment -Part 1

Got constipation? Well most of us do once in a while for some and frequently for others. In this article we'll look at how you can get all the constipation help you'd probably need. While this is not all inclusive in itself, you can consort other sources for all the constipation help you might need. Most people who suffer from constipation will tell that it is one of the most uncomfortable experiences they've had. There are various reasons and causes of constipation:   1. Consumption of fast foods and foods that lack lots of fiber. This is the single major reason behind most occurrences of constipation. Because we live in an "instant" age, fast foods have become the order of the day. People just don't know what it is to eat healthily. As long as you can grab some sandwich, burger or fried chicken and the stomach feels full, everything's settled. As a result, foods are not readily digested. All the fiber necessary to stimulate bowel movement are almost non-existent.   1. Inadequate fluid intake. People don't drink fluids these days -at least not enough to compensate for bodily needs. Hence, when the feces gets to the rectum, the little moisture remaining in it is absorbed by the rectum. Because stooling requires moisture to enable the easy passage, it becomes hard to freely pass stool. That's why there is a lot of straining to get eliminate the waste.   1. Leading a sedentary life. People who don't take care of themselves physically, tend to easily develop constipation as a result of the fact they are not involved in any sort of exercise. One of the very first recommendations for those who need constipation help is exercise. The fact that you move around would improve your bowel movements and hasten the relief of constipation. 4. Pregnant women also suffer from constipation as a result of a change in hormonal balance in the body and also because of the pressure of the now occupied uterus on the intestine. Since you have read some of the causes, it would be better if we moved so you can get all the constipation help you need:   1. Eat lots of FiberDietary fiber which is also known as bulk forming laxatives is gotten from the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The easiest way to incorporate this into your lifestyle is by increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cutting down on the excess of dairy and meat products. In some cases however, some individuals may find it hard to cope with the bulk of fruits needed. When this occurs, it is best that fiber supplements such as wheat bran, oat bran, psyllium seeds be added to the daily diet. To make this routine easier, when you have the itch to grab a snack, pick a fruit instead and you're on your way to relief. The only downside to this method is if the patient has strictures and adhesions. In this circumstance, it is advisable to consult a physician before getting on in the treatment. Also, some fibers have sugar; as a result, diabetic patients cannot take such. When this occurs, it is best that the patient gets sugar-free fibers. Fibers should not be taken in large quantities suddenly. Small quantities are best for starting. Then, it can gradually increase if the patient finds it necessary. A space of one week is adequate for each phase of increase in fiber content. Sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables,Citrucel, Konsyl Fiber, Maltsupex et.cFor more information visit: Click Here

Saturday 9 June 2012

Gift Free Wealth of Health

-         The Better and Healthy you
-         Fight Acne with Quick and Easy Tips
-         Ultimate body – Building and fitness
-         How To Train Yourself for Soccer
-         Pilates and Complete Body Fitness
-         How to maximize the power of yoga
-         Massage Therapy For Complete Body Relaxation
-         How To Loss weight … With The Right Food!
-         Diet And Weight Loss
-         Complete Body Fitness
-         How To Burn Calories And Stay Fit … Forever!
-         Body Detox Made Easy!
-         The Advantages Of Being A Vegetarian 

Get a free gift, please click here

Thursday 24 May 2012

5 Unusually Fast Fat Loss Tips!

Put These To Work And You'll Start Burning Stubborn Flab Much Faster...
article by Rob Poulos, Author, Fat Burning Furnace

The idea here is that we’re all very busy, and I don’t have time to spend hours at the gym or workout nearly every day of the week. I know most people are in the same boat.
So what is needed is an exercise routine that can be performed infrequently and takes very little time, but still gives you great results... the only way to do this is to use a form of exercise that produces fat loss in the time that you’re NOT working out.
Most popular forms of exercise provide most of their calorie and fat burning during the exercise…but this is not efficient because we can only exercise so much…even the aerobic and cardio fanatics out there can only stand say 5-10 hours a week of exercise.
So with 24 hours a day times 7 days, that gives us 168 hours in a week… so even working out 5-10 hours a week still leaves us with 160 or more hours that we won’t be working out... is these 160 hours we should be focusing on if we want maximum fat loss in minimum time...
...and when you can do that, now you’ve got exercise efficiency. So the idea is to get the most fat burning out of those 160+ hours that you’re not working out...
...and the best way to do it that I’ve found is by using a very high level of intensity combined with resistance training exercises performed in fairly rapid succession.
This type of exercise will burn fat for up to 2-3 days after the workout is over, so you can see why just 2-3 sessions a week of this type of exercise can double or even triple the amount of fat loss that can occur with typical type of exercise in the so called “fat burning zone”.

Perhaps the most important tip I can give anyone trying to get and stay lean is to look at food from a micronutrient standpoint.
This is not something you’ll hear from most nutrition experts, in fact they’ll tell you just the opposite, to look at your food from a macronutrient view (protein, carbs, fats)...
...this is what most people end up doing, and it is still important for fat loss, but the big turning point in my personal fat loss journey happened when I started to focus on eating most of my calories from foods that are super loaded with nutrients instead of stressing out over my protein, fat, and carb ratios.
The foods I’m talking about are vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds.
Now don’t mistake this for a vegetarian or vegan diet, that’s not what I’m talking about, but a diet that supplies the body with the nutrients it requires to burn fat optimally.
Now, you’ll notice that I didn’t include lean animal meats on this list. Well, that doesn’t mean these foods won’t help you burn fat, they will, but what I’m saying is you need to take your focus off of the whole protein first mindset and instead go with a “nutrient first” mindset.
I was raised, as I’m sure a lot of people are, that any good meal needs to start with a big portion of beef or poultry, and that the nutrient rich foods (like vegetables, fruits, beans, etc.) are a small part of that meal, if at all.
I’m saying you have to flip that equation entirely and that most of your meal should be based in the nutrient loaded foods, with a smaller bit of the animal proteins.
The fact is that these foods have the most nutrients, and when you give your body the required nutrients without overloading it with foods that have little nutrients, fat loss become so much easier because the hunger and cravings that plague dieters almost disappears.

OK, so this is a big one because six pack abs are like a status symbol these days on whether or not you’re lean.
I mean back in the 70s and 80s, it was enough just to have a flat stomach, but now it’s all about the six pack…for whatever reason.
It probably has more to do with the fact that people are fatter than ever and things like six pack abs are becoming more rare and of course they are that much more desirable because of it.
So, a lot of people are still mystified by the spot reducing myth that you can do exercise a specific area of the body and create localized fat loss.
I should know because I hammer my newsletter subscribers with this myth several times, but I still get question after question about which abs or belly exercises or gut blaster 3000 will get them a set of six pack abs!
Look, you really can’t lose fat from one area of your body specifically...
...the only way you can lose belly fat, thigh fat, butt fat or any other fat is by lowering your overall body fat percentage. In other words, losing overall body fat.
The reason you have problem areas or body parts is because you simply have more fat cells stored in that area genetically.
And we can’t lose these fat cells, we are stuck with them unless we resort to surgery, but we can shrink them, and that‘s what happens when we lose fat. We shrink the fat cells.
So the key here is forgetting about all those abs specific exercises for a while and instead focus on lowering your overall body fat percentage by creating a calorie deficit through the right diet strategies and adding lean muscle to your body.
Truth be told, a good set of barbell squats to muscular failure done a couple times a week will do more for losing belly fat and getting six pack abs than 1000 crunches a week because the amount of calories and fat that will be burned from the squats will far outweigh those crunches.
Yeah, you’ll need some abs specific exercises to build the abdominal muscles, but no one will see them if they’re covered up by layers of body fat.

Alright another huge mistake people make when determining how successful their fat loss program. First off, we’re talking about fat loss here, not weight loss.
Weight loss is the predominant term, unfortunately, because that’s what we are taught at an early age.
But when it comes to losing actual body fat, we have to look at our body composition, not how much we weigh on the scale, but how much of our body is fat weight.
This is really the only way to know if you’re losing fat or just losing water weight or muscle, which is very common on most crash or fad diets...
...people will end up losing a few pounds really fast and get excit, but they don’t look much better in the mirror!
I mean they could look better in clothes because water loss and muscle loss will make you look smaller in clothes sometimes, but when the clothes come off...
This is the skinny-fat look that a lot of people have…they have high body fat percentages, but because of a small bone structure they look acceptable to people while in clothes.
I know nobody wants to look like that, which is why body fat percentage must be the key measurement for fat loss.
OK, another reason we can’t rely on the scale is because of muscle mass...
...if we’re doing this right, our exercise is going to be geared toward gaining lean muscle as this is the best way to create a calorie deficit almost immediately.
Especially as we age because our bodies naturally lose muscle mass every year once we hit our mid 30s or so… by the way that’s the main reason so many people who were in good shape in their 20s and 30s wake up in their 40s 20-30 pounds of fat heavier.
So if you’re measuring your progress by the scale and you gain 5 pounds of muscle, the scale could show no fat loss or even a small gain because muscle weighs more than fat...’s more dense and takes up less space. This can cause you to freak out and think your efforts are causing weight gain when in reality your creating the perfect environment for 24 hour a day fat burning.
So, easy ways to track your bf% are with a skinfold caliper, which you can find online, some of those body fat scales or hand grippers (though there are some tricks to using those correctly).
I actually have a body fat percentage analyzer available for my newsletter subscribers for free which you can get on my website…this is a great little tool and it’s there for anyone who wants to accurately track your fat loss.
So that’s the idea here... track your body fat percentage, not just your bodyweight! It’s fat loss , not weight loss we’re after.

I’m talking about keeping score and knowing your numbers here...
...if you don’t know the numbers, you have little chance of success in fat loss and fitness.
Just like anything else in life, if you’re not tracking what works and what doesn’t work, you’ll be using a shotgun approach that will take much longer and not work as well as an approach that includes tracking.
This is especially important in relation to your exercise and fat loss and fitness progress. Let’s look at the business world for a moment. In any business, at the end of the day, results are measured by revenue, or the money that was made.
If the business owner doesn’t know the numbers, they won’t know if they’ve made any money. And thus they literally have no business! It’s crazy and pretty simple, but the most powerful metric a business owner can track.
I’m a big NBA basketball fan, but do you think I’d enjoy watching my favorite team if they didn’t keep score? Of course not!
If they don’t keep score, we don’t know who’s winning, and thus there is no “game” to win or lose. They have to know their numbers to know who wins and who loses.
Again, strikingly simple, but the fact is that most people don’t track their exercise routines at all. How do they know if they’re winning or losing the fat loss game?
In fat loss and fitness it’s all about monitoring a few key numbers, primarily strength gains, inches in your body part measurements, and body fat percentage.
If you don’t know these numbers from week to week, month to month, you’ll have a tough time judging your progress…and thus you’ll second guess yourself, the methods you’re using and have little change of succeeding.
This is also important because with any type of exercise or diet plan, you’ll need to make slight adjustments as you progress, and how the heck are you going to do that if you don’t know what or when to adjust?
So recording your progress on a weekly and month basis is key to getting that lean and fit body you desire… and if you’re not doing it, you’re using the shotgun approach: just spraying bullets and hoping you hit something.
This is a big reason people give up on their programs...
...not measuring their progress accurately. When you do this right, it can also give you that positive reinforcement to work even hard toward your goals.
Once you sniff something that actually is working, I don’t know about you, but I’ll do everything I can do magnify that effect for as long as I can.
So, bottom line, make sure to keep accurate records of your workouts and your progress. Just like in any business or in sports, you won’t know if you’re winning if you don’t keep score.

Sunday 20 May 2012

How I Use Exercise to Help Me Lose Weight

When I finally got fed up with being rotund, the first thing I did was clean up my diet. However, this wasn’t enough to help me lose weight consistently. With the amount of fat I needed to lose, nutrition alone just wasn’t going to cut it; so I started an exercise program to keep those fat burning results coming. Here’s how to use exercise to send unwanted body fat packing.
Do Plenty of Cardio

In order to lose one pound of fat you have to burn 3500 calories. It’s almost impossible to achieve this without doing cardiovascular exercises. Aim to get cardio (with an emphasis on high intensity interval training) five days a week. If you’re super busy (like most of us) and find it hard to squeeze cardio into your day, break your workouts up into chunks.
Here’s an example of how you can break your cardio workouts into manageable pieces:
§  Run on a treadmill for 15 minutes when you wake up.
§  Take a brisk 15 minute walk around the parking lot during your lunch break.
§  Pop in a workout video and exercise for 15 to 30 minutes before dinner.
Don’t feel like your only options for good cardio workouts are treadmills and exercise bikes. There’s nothing wrong with these machines, they work great. But if you do them all the time, they can get sort of humdrum. There are plenty of other ways to get your heart jumping. Some examples include kick boxing, mowing the lawn, gardening, jumping rope and swimming.
Pump a Little Iron
Many women avoid weights like the plague. They fear pumping iron will make them look bulky and masculine. This is absolutely not true. Unless you use some sort of performance-enhancing drug when you lift weights, the possibility of looking like the Hulk is slim.
When you build lean muscle tissue by lifting weights, it kicks your metabolism into high gear and helps you slim down. Keep in mind, the more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will burn—even when you’re stretched out on the couch doing nothing (nice!).
Also, lean muscle mass is compact so it takes up less space than fat. Any lean muscle tissue you build lifting weights will tone your body and give you a streamlined physique. Ladies, if you really want to get in shape, put your fears of huskiness to rest and pump weights three times a week.
Sample Workout Plan to Get You Started
In one of my past newsletters, I talked about building a foundation by focusing on mastering the basics—lunges, squats, pushing, twisting and pulling. Do the below exercise back to back. After you do the entire circuit, repeat all five exercises two more times.
§  Bodyweight squats – 10 to 20 repetitions
§  Bodyweight lunges – 8 on each leg
§  Modified pushups on your knees 10 to 15 repetitions
§  Assisted pull ups – 10 repetitions
§  Medicine ball or dumbbell woodchop – 10 repetitions per side
As your fitness level increases, you can build on these exercises to make them more challenging by increasing resistance and making them more complex.
There’s nothing like waking up every morning looking and feeling your best. Anything less is unacceptable. Let The Diet Solution Program show you these tried and true methods that I’ve used to help me lose weight.

Friday 3 February 2012

I Need to Lose Weight without Feeling Hungry

I need to lose weight but I’m sick of feeling hungry all the time,” is a common statement made by individuals who follow fly-by-night diets. If your diet leaves your stomach rumbling every hour on the hour, it’s time to make a change. I used to think that losing weight meant starving. It took me a while to accept the fact that I could actually eat heartily and still drop weight.
The time I spent starving in the name of losing weight was miserable. When I did manage to shed a few pounds, I would gain it all back in a matter of weeks. Sometimes I’d even gain a few extra pounds. Talk about depressing!
What I learned through years of research (and trial and error) is that when you follow a healthy eating plan, you can chow down until you’re full, and still see amazing weight loss results.
What Are Healthy Foods?
Healthy foods are not created in a factory of processed to death. If the food is dried, canned, frozen or filled with ingredients you can’t pronounce, stay away from it. Examples of healthy foods include fresh fish, naturally raised meats, legumes, seeds, organic poultry, organic whole eggs, raw nuts, and fresh fruit and vegetables.
How to Make Healthy Meals More Filling
There’s nothing more dismal than dealing with hunger pangs all day. If your meals aren’t satisfying you, this is exactly what’s going to happen. Here are some tricks to make your meals more filling:
§  Add a source of quality protein and a source healthy fat (yes, fat) to each of your meals. Doing this makes meals more satiating and curbs hunger. Sources of healthy protein include natural meats, organic whole eggs, organic poultry and fish. Sources of healthy fat include avocados, fish, beans, raw nuts, coconut oil and olive oil.
§  Load your plate with veggies. It helps to divide your plate into three sections and fill the larger section with veggies. Leave the other two sections for meat and other foods. Veggies are full of fiber, so they expand in the stomach, digest slowly and keep you full longer.
§  Drink a glass of water before each meal and throughout the day. This will help you feel full faster and reduce hunger.
Examples of Healthy, Filling Meals and Snacks
§  Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, 1/3 cup of oatmeal with cinnamon and a small pear.
§  Snack: 1 medium apple, 1 cup of cucumber slices and 1 oz of raw nuts.
§  Lunch: 4 oz ground turkey, 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice, 8 oz carrot sticks, and a small green salad with vinegar and olive oil dressing.
§  Snack: 2 tablespoons of almond butter, 2 slices of rye crisp bread and 8 oz of celery sticks.
§  Dinner: 5 oz broiled halibut steak, 1/2 cup of green beans sautéed in garlic, small baked sweet potato and a small green salad with apple cider vinegar and olive oil dressing.
Diet plans that leave youhungry all the time (or even some of the time) are evil. Why not scrap the diet altogether and eat healthy instead? If you do it this way, you can eat delicious, filling foods and still lose weight.
Enough with the yo-yo dieting! Watch this video to find out how The Diet Solution Program helps me when I need to lose weight.